I'm 53 and Content With Me

Today is my 53rd birthday and I'm finding myself at a place where I'm happy and content with the life the Lord has given me.

It's a good life.  I have a loving, Godly husband.  I have three children who love the Lord and are kind and compassionate to others. I enjoy caring for my family and working alongside Dan in ministry.  And it's enough. 

I no longer have the constant struggle that what I do isn't important or successful.  I am content.

This birthday finds me visiting my mother, stepfather and grandmother.  We've had a wonderful time together and I'll be sad to leave tomorrow.  My grandmother has diabetes, dementia and Alzheimer's so she's definitely different than the last time I saw her.  But she looks good.  She looks healthy.  My mother has done a wonderful job caring for her.  I'm so blessed to be able to come back in May and care for her for 7 days so my parents can get a way for a bit.

This morning I have to speak at a woman's group at church and then I'll be coming back to care for parents who came down with the stomach bug last night.  Yikes! So it's a different sort of birthday.  Not quite what I imagined.

But I'm happy.  I'm 53 and content with me!


  1. Terri, Happy Birthday! Have a blessed day.
    Kathi from Florida

  2. Happy Birthday Terri, and I hope your parents recover soon. All the best for when you do a stint of caring in May, it will bless your parents so much to be able to have a break for a while. xx

  3. Happy Birthday to you! May the Lord bless you on your special day!


  4. Happy 53rd birthday, Terri! I hope you have a wonderful day with your relatives. Being content is about the best birthday gift I can think of!
    God bless, Kathy in Illinois

  5. Happy Birthday. We should celebrate together, mine is the 7th and I'm loving my 50's! Enjoy your day.

  6. Happy Birthday, sweet lady.. May God bless you richly in the years ahead.. You are 9 years younger then I... smile. xo

  7. Happy Birthday!



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