Multitude Monday

Hard truths.  The Bible is full of them.  Passages that we like to gloss over or twist to fit how we think or passages that we like to skip over altogether.

I sat in church yesterday, and as I listened to the worship team practicing before the service I opened my Bible and read this.

Philippians 4:4-7 (HCSB) ~

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!  Let your graciousness be known to everyone. The Lord is near. Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses every thought, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

Don't worry, but pray WITH thanksgiving.  It's easy to give thanks when things are going right.  It's a bit harder to give thanks for how God is going to work in a difficult situation.  But how about thanking Him for the trial.  "Thank you God for this terrible thing you are allowing?"  "Thank you for this barrenness I feel inside?"  How in the world does that make any sense? 

And yet, that's where we show our spiritual maturity.  And that's when we find peace.  Because it's not peace that will make sense to anyone who doesn't know the Lord.  I hear people lamenting all the time about their struggles.  The world is full of turmoil and unrest.  Yet, if I'm truly thanking God and trusting Him, I can have an internal peace that will help me through the situation.  It doesn't mean things will be easier or even change, but I will have peace in the midst of the struggle.  I love that!

Hard words, yet good words for today.

This week I'm thankful for blessings 2341 - 2353.

2341.  A sweet card from a friend, encouraging us.

2342.  My husband, who provides encouragement and yet, is not afraid to challenge my thinking on things.

2343.  Unexpected gift cards in the mail.

2344.  Wonderful neighbors who are making my waistline expand with their gifts! lol

2345.  Hot coffee on a cold day.

2346.  Wool socks.

2347.  Protection for Nathan as he drives home from work in the middle of the night.

2348.  Beautiful music at church.

2349.  Stephen hit it off with a new friend here which has given him things to do while he is home from college.

2350.  A wonderful two weeks off from school for Emily.

2351.  A new year, and a new slate.

2352.  Renewed focus.

and finally...

2353.  Peace in the midst of the struggle.


  1. Oh how I long to have that kind of peace. Happy New Year, Terri. Thanks for sharing your gratitudes.



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