The Woven Thread

I wake each morning and stumble to the kitchen.  I pour a cup of steaming hot coffee, grab my bible and journal and find my favorite spot.  It generally takes me about 10-15 minutes to get myself awake enough to focus on what I'm reading.
The routine is the same most days.  Get up, quiet time, throw in laundry, do dishes, finish chores.  Make meals, take care of correspondence, sew, and whatever else comes my way.

And in the midst of this routine there is a thread that runs through each of my days.  The  woven thread is faith.  It's the essence of our lives here.  It's at the core of each heartbeat.  Faith is every breath we take.

Faith that people will come to know God's saving love as we minister here.  Faith as my husband spends time in prayer, preparation and keeps in touch with different people.

Faith as I pray for family and friends as my hand prepare meals for what feels like the millionth time.

That faith trusts that Nathan's life will be full of meaning and purpose despite struggles. There is faith that God will continue to lead Stephen at college.  Faith that the Lord will show Emily His plan for her life.

There is faith that we can continue to make ends meet on tight budget.  Faith that God will provide for all our needs; physical and spiritual.

The thread of faith gets me through those days when all I want to do is give up and drown in my tears.  That same thread runs through the times of joy and thanksgiving.

Faith sees me through the hard times, the good times, the frustrating times and the joyful times.  My faith in God's goodness is the thread that runs through every aspect of my life.

Hebrews 11:1 (MSG) ~
The fundamental fact of existence is that this trust in God, this faith, is the firm foundation under everything that makes life worth living. It’s our handle on what we can’t see.


  1. I hear ya, Terri. Faith gets us through when we want to cry. When things go wrong, I always hear God's still small voice say "Trust Me." This was a lovely post.
    God bless, Kathy in Illinois

  2. I like your post on the Faith that sees us through each and every situation when you don't know what is going to happen next. We lost our heat pump yesterday and today is the coldest day of the year. The heat pump guy told us to turn on the Emergency Heat at our Thermostat. It seems that it will work when the motor in the heat pump does not. Anyway, it kept us warm all night until the guy could get here this morning. Our motor to the fan in the heat pump quit working and we need a new motor...a much less expense than a new heat pump. I'm so glad that we can trust God to be there when things go wrong and that He has the answers when we don't. Thanks for sharing this post. Faith is the thread that holds our lives together through good times and bad until we can go home to be with our Lord!

    1. I'm sorry to hear about your heat pump, Mom! Good thing you don't live up here or you'd really be cold. :-) Love you!

  3. Hebrews 11 is my favourite faith chapter, When I read it I am just overcome by the God we serve..He is so good, and its evident in His promises from the start of His :) ... stumbled on your blog and am thankful to read it!

    1. Amen! Thanks for visiting and commenting, Leanne.


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