Wednesday Words of Encouragement

Ephesians 2:8-10 ~

For it is by grace you have been saved through faith - and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God - not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

I love these verses because they give me hope and a purpose. God saved me because of His great love for me, not because of anything I have done. He saved me because I believed in Him and made a choice to follow Him. It was as simple as that.

Then not only did He save me but he gave me a purpose for my life. He thought about me and my life and picked out exactly the things that He wanted for me to do. Isn't that neat?

We can often get so down on ourselves because we don't look like the world's ideal of what a woman should be. However, in God's eyes we have a role to play and He created us specifically for a purpose in this world. We have value in His eyes and we are loved! I don't know about you, but that encourages me and gives me energy. It makes me want to roll up my sleeves and get busy doing the task He has given to me.

I see so many Christians depressed and discouraged because they feel like their lives are meaningless. Yet, if they would only realize that God has chosen them specifically to fulfill a role, it would give their lives meaning. They are uniquely created to accomplish a task for the Lord. That's exciting to me. 

So be encouraged today. Don't look through the world's lens. Look through God's lens. The King of the universe loves you and made you specifically to do great things for Him.


  1. Terri, this is one of the best posts I've ever read! You are always so encouraging to your readers. I am sending this to my daughter. God makes each of us special in his sight. Thank you for your "sermon" today!
    God bless, Kathy in Illinois

    1. This is neat because I posted on fb some of the verses just prior this these verses and commented on them. These verses are very encouraging to me as well. It is a blessing to me to see you fulfill the role that God has created for you. Years ago I dedicated your life to the Lord for service to Him. You have blessed me each day ever since!

    2. Awwww, thank you Mom. I know how hard you worked as we grew up and I know your desire has always been for your children to follow The Lord. Love you!

  2. Man, I needed this.


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