Gardening Plans

I've been able to get outside and start cleaning up my flower beds the past few days.  It felt so good to be in warm sunshine and smell the earth and newly growing things.  While I was there I started planning in my head what I want to do with my garden this year.

If you've read this blog for any length of time you know 1. I hate weeding.  2.  I'm bad at consistent watering.  3. I'm always distracted with 1,000 other things and 4.  I LOVE the end result.  lol    This year, I'm determined to stay focused on making the garden better!  My desire is to get out there and weed a bit every day so I'm not spending hours and hours trying to play catch-up.  We shall see how it all works out.

I was so pleased to see my parsley, thyme, and sage springing back this year.  Lemon balm is in abundance each year, as is the dill which reseeds and grows in the main garden.  So I just want to add a few more herbs to the garden on the side of the house; mainly, oregano, rosemary, and stevia.

My main garden plan this year is some of the same - tomatoes, cucumbers, red, green and jalapeno peppers, green beans, butternut squash and zucchini, as well as lettuce, spinach and cabbage.  I really need to get moving because I realized that I could get the cool weather veggies in now.  I never grown broccoli or cauliflower because while I love them, I hate the little worms that hide out in them.  I know you can soak them to get rid of them but too many have slipped by me and I am seriously psychologically damaged now and cannot eat homegrown! ;-)  Give me the store bought that has been sprayed with chemicals.

I'm really looking forward to sprucing things up and seeing how the gardens do this year, both flower and vegetable. 

How does your gardening plans look this year?


  1. I'm cutting back this year, Terri. As I now do all the gardening, I found that it got too much last Summer. I love the harvest but couldnt keep up with everything. 50 lbs of tomatoes, plus all the rest! So this year it is only one row of Leeks, one of French beans, one of Sugar peas and half a dozen Runner beans! And of course the tomatoes.


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