Multitude Monday

"Thank you, Lord, for waking me up this morning and allowing me to have breath." 

This was often the beginning of the prayers of the people of the little African-American church we attended for years when we ministered in the inner city.  It was a concept I had never thought of before.  My very breath is a gift from God.

The fact that I can draw oxygen into my lungs is something I take for granted every day.  Each day of my life there are a multitude of little blessings that happen.  Most pass by without a thought or any acknowledgement from me at all.  My very life is a gift.

No matter how much I give thanks here each week or publically acknowledge my "list" of blessings, there are so many things I'm ungrateful for.  I still find myself grumbling and complaining.  I still see the glass half empty more often than not.  I still get absolutely overwhelmed, stressed and sad about the struggles I face. 

I've been going through the life of Moses with the children at church and we always laugh at how ungrateful and forgetful those Israelites were despite the fact they saw huge miracles day after day.  I always wonder to myself, "How in the world can they experience the parting of the sea and yet still complain about having to eat bread instead of meat?"

I've seen my own share of miracles.  I experience them on a regular basis.  But how many times do I think, "Wouldn't it be nice to have some meat instead of this dry bread?"  How I wish for some huge wonderful events in my life instead of this day after day drudgery of getting up, doing laundry, dealing with problems, paying bills and falling back into bed at night. 

I miss the small miracle in front of me because I'm looking for a gala event.  A flower blooming.  The sun rising.  The very air I breathe.  A multitude of miracles.  All of them blessings.  Many of them missed.

Open my eyes, Lord, to see your blessings!

This week I'm thankful for blessings #2391 - 2400

2391.  Birds chirping and trees budding.

2392.  A number of orders, in the space of a few days.  Things have been tight so this is a huge blessing.

2393.  A bag of clothes for my daughter.

2394.  Walking and loving the warm air and sunshine.

2395.  Finding new ways to use the talent God has given me.

2396.  A support network to go to when I'm feeling helpless to console my son.

2397.  Technology that allows me to keep in touch with family and friends.
2398.  Nathan received a few awards at the annual Fireman's Dinner.  Thankful for the blessing he is to us and how hard he works.

2399.  The desire to praise and trust God in the midst of struggle.

and finally...

2400.  The every day miracles I take for granted.


  1. Great pictures! Love the lone cross, and Nathan looks so handsome!


  2. A wonderful list of gratitude, Terri, especially Nathan's well-deserved awards! I am so proud of him too.
    God bless, Kathy inIllinois

  3. Terri, I love your list. Congrats to Nathan. He is amazing.


  4. Wonderful post! Congratulations to Nathan!

  5. yes I often wonder how God can still love me when I grumble so much. I need to look over and over and see how he has always been there for me. Lord forgive me for my grumbles. Thank you for your honesty on this blog.


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