Sometimes You Need to Look Up

I have been hunched over my sewing machine for the past three weeks, filling orders.  Some days it feels like I only look up to make another batch of soap or to cook a meal for my family.  My routine has been the same each day.  Get up, quiet time, shower, clean the bathrooms, throw in a load of laundry, run the vacuum or some other chore and then back to work.   I've been diligent about it because I need to focus on some last minute things for an upcoming retreat and want to devote the next week to getting ready for that.
Yesterday it hit 70 degrees here and was beautiful.  Dan suggested that I go with him early to pick up Emily from school and stop by the lake first.  I'm so glad I took his advice.  And we ended up enjoying ourselves for a much longer time because Emily called and asked if she could go to a friend's house.
We walked and we talked.  We sat and enjoyed the warm breeze and beautiful sights.  And we ended up deciding to go to dinner as well and then ended the day by a different part of the lake.

It's so nice to see birds again. 

Sometimes, you just need to look up!


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