Hearts in Service

When I started this blog years ago I came up with the name, Hearts in Service.  The reason for that was that my prayer for as long as I can remember is that the Lord would use me as His servant here.  I want my life to emit the sweet fragrance of Christ.

I have always loved the verses in Philippians 2:3-4.  "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others."  I have tried to live these out, though not always successfully.

Sometimes I get distracted or tired or discouraged and at those times it's harder to remember what my goal in life has been.  Yet God faithfully reminds me of my prayer to him all these many years.  I truly do want to have a heart that is in service to my Lord and through my acts of service my desire is to point others to Him.

That has been the biggest blessing in my life. 

This week I'm also thankful for blessings #2441 - 2455.

2441.  A wonderful 12 days with my mom, stepdad and grandmother.

2442.  Safety while traveling back home.

2443.  Stephen is home from college for a few weeks before he starts his summer job. 

2444.  Sleeping in my own bed.

2445.  A productive work day at church on Saturday and a beautiful new area to work with the children at church.

2446.  Being asked to pray with two different women on Sunday.

2447.  I'm so thankful for my husband who held down the fort while I was away.

2448.  Stephen preached yesterday and it is wonderful to see how he has grown spiritually.

2449.  Teen girls cooking in my kitchen and having fun.

2450.  Beautiful sights and sounds.

2451.  Lunch out with Dan and walking by the lake.

2452.  A morning walk with a neighbor each day.

2453.  Listening to a bird chirping brightly as I type.

2454.  Getting back into my normal routine again.

and finally...

2455.  Having a heart in the service of the Lord.


  1. Your list always makes me smile, Terri.

  2. Kathy in IllinoisMay 18, 2015 at 9:26 AM

    Wonderful things to be thankful for, Terri! I have read your blog for many years and from what I see you have done very well living up to your favorite verses Philippians 2:3-4. You are an inspiration to anyone who knows you or reads your blog.
    God bless, Kathy

  3. i wish you were my neighbor-you are a blessing


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