Leaving the Nest

Stephen called me last night, excited that he was offered a summer job at a camp in the Adirondacks.  He had applied back in the winter and had a few phone interviews but they seemed to be taking their time about getting back to him.  So he finally heard and will be working there from June through the beginning of September. 

These are exciting times for him and I often feel wistful as I remember the excitement of just starting out and being free to go and do whatever I wanted to do.  I also feel a bit nostalgic at times when I realize that he is leaving the nest.  I'm so happy for him and I want him to go wherever the Lord leads but it's a strange feeling when your children start growing up and leaving home.

Emily turns 16 this month and is starting to look at colleges.  Colleges?  How did this happen?  My baby is growing up too.

I could spend my time feeling really sad about this or looking at it as the doors are opening for me to spread my own wings and see what God has for me in this new season of my life.  It's been kind of a strange feeling to know that things are changing but yet, it's exciting in its own way too.

I'm so proud of my children.  They've been through some very hard things in their lives and yet, are developing perseverance and wonderful character traits that will take them far.

Stephen is done with classes this week and will be heading to a friend's house for a week before he comes home.  He does have a job here through the end of May before he leaves for the camp so at least I'll get to spend some time with him for a couple of weeks.  

My children are testing their wings and I know they will do just fine when they leave the nest!


  1. Kathy in IllinoisMay 2, 2015 at 10:44 AM

    Congratulations to Stephen on his summer job!! Another loving and precious son you have, Terri! Yes, children grow up and leave us, but they seem to always come back-thank God!!
    God bless, Kathy

  2. We are at that stage too, Terri. It's weird. I think of it like the tide. During the college years they come in and go out. Suddenly, they go and we're not prepared (even though we try to be) to not see them every day or not have them coming home to stay. Sandy will spend her summer in North Carolina in a dream internship. I keep thinking - what if they offer her a job next year? It could happen sooner than I expected!


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