Multitude Monday

Psalm 13:5-6 (NIV) ~

But I trust in your unfailing love;
    my heart rejoices in your salvation.
I will sing the Lord’s praise,
    for he has been good to me.

God is good to me!  All the time.  And for that I am so very happy.  I'm learning to recognize this even when I'm going through a difficult time because even in the difficulties, I have lessons to learn.  They are not easy but I know that ultimately it is for my benefit.

So today I want to sing His praises!

This week I'm thankful for blessings #2501 - 2510.

2501.  A friend who loves us enough to help Dan & I work through some rough emotions from a past church experience that holds us back at times.

2502.  Fresh fruit.

2503.  Emily is officially a junior in high school!
2504.  My bee swarm is gone, taken away by a local bee keeper.

2505.  A steaming cup of coffee and time in God's word while sitting on my deck, enjoying the sights.

2506.  Beautiful flowers from my husband.

2507.  Serving lunch to the faculty and staff at the local elementary school as a thank you; a tradition our church has done for the past ten years.

2508.  Going with friends yesterday to anoint another friend with oil and pray over her in the ICU.   Seeing her beautiful smile and having her interact with us by mouthing words (she has a trach tube in so she can't talk) was wonderful after being sedated and unresponsive the past three weeks.

2509.  Dinner and fellowship with friends.

and finally...

2510.  Knowing that God answers prayer!


  1. Great post!

    Life gives us so many things to be thankful for, even the smallest things count. I am thankful God decided to give me my husband back after his (TOTALLY) unexpected heart attack last week. Makes you view life a little different after such a close call.


    BTW: The chair covers washed up beautifully!

    1. Oh Sandy!!! I'm sorry about your husband and will be praying for his recovery. I'm glad those caddies are working out. :-)

  2. God does indeed answer prayer, Terri and I have so much to be thankful for.


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