Tell Your Story

God takes the things that happen to us in our lives and if we allow Him to do so, can shape them into something beautiful that we can share with others.  When we share the story of our lives and what God has done, many will see how He works and can use their own struggles.

My story is fairly simple.  God took a young girl from a broken family and called her into full time ministry.  I've had struggles, heartache and pain along the way.  Things were pretty bumpy my entire life and yet, God has used that pain and heartache and I'm able to help others who are going through similar things.

And that makes it all worthwhile.  My story will not be the same as yours.  Each of us has our own unique circumstances that the Lord can use for His purpose. 

We have a women's study in our church that meets once a month and it is part of our larger denomination's group.  The theme this year was "Tell Your Story."  We had our last meeting for the summer last night and to send them off with a tangible reminder of the theme, I gave each of the ladies a gift.

In the gift was a bar of my soap, a little pot of lip balm and a pocket tissue holder with a pack of tissues in it.  I placed a card inside that said...

Tell Your Story
Soap - This bar of soap represents the fact that Jesus washed our sins as white as snow and we are made new in Him. - Psalm 51:7
Tissues - The Lord sees our tears, takes away our pain and turns it into ways to bless others. - Psalm 56:8
Lip Balm - As we tell our stories, let our words be pleasing to the Lord and a sweet balm to those who listen - Psalm 19:4
As you tell your story remember these same things.  God uses the things that happen to you in your life and He can turn those ashes into beautiful nuggets of gold to share with others.  Allow Him to mold the bad into beautiful and then go and share your story with the world!


  1. Gods abundant blessings to you Terri! You are a blessing in all of your transparency that has helped so many people; I'm one! Thank you for saying yes to Father and having such a Loving, Obedient heart! I remember you everytime I walk out my back door(everyday) as I put the candle you gave me there. Everytime I smell it I think of you and your love and your family theme Phil.2:3-4. Blessings! Sandy P.

    1. Thank you, Sandy! I'm glad you like the candle. :-)


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