
I sat on my deck, reading my Bible and praying this morning and as I sat there the bees caught my attention.  They never stop moving and fly from flower to flower, collecting the pollen inside. Then I had to laugh because that is how my past few weeks have gone.
I feel like I'm a bee, buzzing around, getting my many tasks done.  So I haven't had a lot of time to sit and think of inspiring blog posts.
This week alone, I need to do the following:
Fill a large order of 60 tea totes and 18 tea cozies.
Make multiple batches of soap.
Make multiple batches of salve.
Get my hair cut (that's happening this morning)
Run to a new shop that will be carrying my things to set up a display.
Pick up fabric to fill an order.
Meet with a customer about a new order.
Make multiple batches of jam.
Make a few batches of granola.
Head out on Friday night to a new venue in town called, Uptown Fridays, where I will have a table to sell granola, jam, soaps, etc.
Practice music with Dan for Sunday
Make a couple of dishes for a barbecue our church is hosting on Saturday at a senior citizen housing complex.
In between - laundry, clean, weed, cook meals, etc.
So if you don't see any amazing blog posts (not that they are amazing anyway - lol) you will know why!
And if you hear buzzing that would probably be coming from me.


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