Time for a Review

Exactly a half a year has passed since I wrote my yearly goals and I decided I better revisit them before I lose all track of time.  My goal this year was to live intentionally and so to that end, I want to make sure I'm doing what I said!

I'll list the goals and then underneath write an update in blue.

* Consistent quiet times with the Lord each week.
* Go on a retreat this year to write, meditate and connect with the Lord.

I've done fairly well with being consistent. If I keep my phone and computer off, it's even better!  Those two things are the biggest distractors for me. 

I actually am going to our denomination's family camp next week, as well as spending two days at a retreat center my sister and her husband runs the following week.  Dan will be joining me mid-week, but I'd love to get some writing done before he gets there.  Emily is coming with me but I know she is going to be busy with her cousin.

* Build up my husband with my words, and not tear him down.
* Take over a couple tasks to take the burden off him.
* Continue date nights

The first one seems to always be a work in progress.  I'm continuing to work on not snapping when I feel stressed or frustrated or impatient, 

The second goal still needs to happen and we do pretty good with the dates.  I'd say at least once a week we go out and do something together.

Health & Nutrition
* Lose 25 lbs.  I did lose 26 this past year but still have a ways to go.
* Consistent, weekly exercise.

I've lost a few pounds but truly have to buckle down on this.  My neighbor and I have been walking 4.5 miles a couple times a week.  It's supposed to be every day but either it's raining or different things have happened so I'm working on being more consistent in this area.

* Put money way in an emergency fund every week.
* Pay off two bills (outstanding debt)
* Make up spreadsheet for our finances.

We have been doing great squirreling away some money each month.  Of course, Dan had to go get two new tires put on the car as well as an oil change and tune up so that's going to eat up a good chunk of that.  But we are doing okay.

He is working at paying a bit extra each month on our one car payment and that should be paid off by the end of the year.

Spreadsheet is done and I've been recording everything on it.

Household Organization
* Find a system for paperwork & mail and stick with it so I don't have piles of clutter.
* Come up with a cleaning schedule so things are getting cleaned consistently
* Find a more efficient plan for the garden so I can grow more
 and then consistently weed.

I've been doing pretty good with the paperwork and clutter, as well as cleaning.  Wow!  I just realized that I'm actually accomplishing my goals.  Yay!  I'm working on filing things and putting them where they belong the moment they come into the house.  I also have been on top of the housecleaning for the most part.  Some days are better than others but I'm doing well.

I just added a bunch of things to the garden to fill in the empty spots.  This past weekend I planted onion sets, cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and marigolds.  I was doing great with the weeding too but we've had so much run lately that all of the sudden, crab grass is taking over.  So I do need to get on top of that.  However, I'm doing better than I've ever done with weeding.

* Make a conscious effort to invite people over (at least twice per month)
* Focus on building relationships and less on "doing"

This has been going well.  The past couple of months we've hosted a small group in our home.  We've had a few people over for dinner.  I'm working hard on connecting with people during the week, outside of church.  My only dilemma is that it's hard to get to everyone.  It's not for a lack of desire but just a lack of time.  However, I've done a good job achieving this goal. 

* Finish new book I'm working on. 
* Read at least one book each month.
* Work on not feeling guilty when I say no to people.  This is a tough one for me, but necessary if I'm going to be focused on the things I feel I should be doing.

First goal is a fail.  I started working on the book and then felt the Lord leading me in an entirely different direction.  Above is the first draft cover which may change.  I've been writing and my prayer is that I will have this done by the end of the summer.   

I've been reading quite a bit and am currently reading, The Shack, by William P. Young.  So far I love it though it's very intense.

I'm doing better about saying no, though not so good in the not feeling guilty department! lol  But I'm not caving in even if I do feel that way so it's good.

So there you have it.  I'm very pleased at how it's been going.  I want to finish the second half of the year strong.  I'm so thankful that my goal to live intentionally this year has been happening.


  1. Wow Terri, that is an impressive list of positives!

    1. Thanks Barbara. I was very pleasantly surprised!


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