Multitude Monday

I had such a wonderful weekend away.  I was at a retreat from Friday morning through Saturday night and it was a time of refreshment and refocus.  I came back with a renewed vision for our ministry here.  I returned with a fresh reminder of the calling the Lord placed on my life as a teenager.  It feels like the sun is peeking out behind rain clouds and it has re-energized me.

I've gotten a bit sidetracked with business and sewing.  While I enjoy it and it does bring in a few extra dollars, that is not what I was called to so many years ago.  As a young woman, I clearly heard the Lord speak to me and call me into full-time ministry. 

So I'm going to be spending some time evaluating what needs to go and what can stay.  I'm praying that the Lord would show me what specific things I should focus on here and what other things, while are all good activities, are not the best for me to be doing. 

So I'm feeling excited to see what God will do this year.  Stepping outside your day to day routine can be a good thing so you can take a clearer look at things.

This week I'm thankful for blessings #2541 - 2550.

2541.  A productive week where I was able to balance housework, sewing and church work. That doesn't always happen.

2542.  I finished up an order and the customer was happy.

2543.  Finally getting inspired and being able to put together two talks for our leadership retreat this weekend.

2544.  A sweet teacher who took Emily and a friend out to lunch.  She has officially retired and Emily is really going to miss her.

2545.  One of the things I've decided that I need to focus on more at church is the children's ministry.  That is one of the ways our church will grow.  As I was standing and singing in the congregation yesterday, one of the little ones left his place to come and give me a hug and stand with me.  It was a little reminder of why I love what I do.

2546.  A wonderful weekend away with other women.  I'm the assistant director for our district's women's group, Great Commission Women.  This was our leadership retreat and it was a sweet time of fellowship, being challenged and prayer.

2547.  A beautiful sunset on the way home.

2548.  Hearing my husband play the piano and sing a song he wrote in church.  I had no idea that he was going to do that and in 27 years of marriage, he has never sung! 

2549.  The enjoyment I receive from working on some projects at church.

and finally...

2550. Getting some clarity.


  1. Thanks for being so transparent this weekend! I find myself in a very similar place right now and have been encouraged to continue to seek God's direction for ministry and not draw back into my own little world. Praying for you and others on our leadership team as I know you also pray for me. (( HUGS ))

  2. Beautiful pictures!



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