Science Lab

It seems that my home has turned into a science laboratory.  I have soap curing above my kitchen cupboards, herbs being infused into oils, different herbs drying on screens, and many variations of oils and butters in my cupboards.  

And it's fun.  

Yesterday, I was so happy to find plantain throughout my yard and who knew that silly weed actually has medicinal uses and you can also eat it!  I remember playing with plantain leaves as a child, trying to pull the leaf off the little veins that run through it.

This morning my neighbor cut a bag full of comfrey for me and that joined the other herbs drying in my sunroom.  I'm starting to think I need a room just to myself because my experiments and projects are taking over every area of the house. 

Or maybe Dan and the kids would be willing to live in one room? ;-)


  1. What are you going to do with the comfrey, Terri?

    1. Right now I'm drying it and then I'll infuse it for 4-6 weeks in olive oil to use in my salves. It's useful for minor cuts, scrapes and bruises.


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