Splashes of Color

The leaves have a hint of color starting here in Central New York and will start changing rapidly in the weeks to come.  A sign that summer has ended and autumn is beginning.  This is my favorite season. 

It's the season of apple picking.

Brilliant colors.

Crisp, cooler temperatures.

Beautiful decorations.
And wonderful smells and tastes.
It's a time of enjoying the splashes of color before the blanket of white hits.  For me, it's also a time of reflection. 

Am I splashing the color of God's love to those around me?  Do I reflect the beauty of Christ to those in my life?  Do I walk my talk?  I try to do that and sometimes I do but often I fail.  As I reflect, I want to see if my colors are showing.

I want to splash the red color of courage and strength.  Do I show Christ's strength in my life when I'm facing a crisis?

I want to splash the orange of joy and cheerfulness to those around me.  Do I reflect the joy of the Lord?  Do people view my walk as a Christian as just some stuffy religion or am I actually full of joy?

I want to splash the green of health and vitalityAm I spiritually healthy?  Do I live my life to the full, utilizing all the gifts the Lord has given me?

I want to splash the yellow color of energy and excitement.  Do I wake up excited at what the Lord has in store for me?  Am I full of energy and ready to face day with happiness and joy in my life?

I want to splash the blue of loyalty, strength, wisdom and trust.  Does my life reflect these traits of God? 

These are just a few colors but I believe our lives has believers should be full of color.  We should leave our mark on those around us.  Don't be dull and drab.  Don't be a plain Jane.

Go splash your color on a weary world in need of hope!


  1. Oh the cooler weather feels so good-although I love summer and being able to swim in the ocean daily the humidity is brutal bring on fall
    Love your candle it is beautiful!


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