Wednesday Words of Encouragement

Psalm 119:105-107 (HCSB) ~

Your word is a lamp for my feet
and a light on my path.
I have solemnly sworn
to keep Your righteous judgments.
I am severely afflicted;
Lord, give me life through Your word.

Pitch-black darkness. 

As a child I was afraid of the dark.  Before there were night lights, I would lie awake at night, terrified of the unknown dangers lurking where I couldn't see them. The fear would paralyze me and I would quiver and shake in my bed for hours. As an adult, I still don't like the dark though I don't react to it like I used to do.

However, when facing a dark situation, my emotions can evoke those same primal feelings of fear, terror and despair that the physical darkness used to do as a child. Yet, when any of us face those situations we don't have to live in fear of the dark times.  God's word provides all the light we need to see our way in a dark world.  We just need to trust, obey and follow the light.

David tells us he is severely afflicted.  Do you feel that way right now?  Do you feel the weight of the world crushing down on you?  Do you feel afraid of the unknown?  The only way to lessen that load is to go to God's word for life.  His word will be the light that shines through the darkest night.  His word will breathe life into your struggling heart.  He will guide you through whatever situation you face.

Turn on the lamp.  Open His word.  Receive life and let His light shine into the darkness. 


  1. Dear Terri,
    Thanks so much for these encouraging words! Coming to your blog is always so uplifting! Thank you for glorifying our LORD in such beautiful ways! Mercy, peace & love be multiplied unto you (Jude 24) . . . this day!
    Your sister in Christ, in South Milwaukee


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