An Epiphany

(Picture by Lisa M. Buske.  She took it at our study last night)

I had an epiphany last night as I sat in our monthly women's group.  This year, because I want others in our church to use their gifts and be involved, I asked a friend to lead the Bible study portion of the group and I would handle the missions part of it, as well as set up the room for the meeting.  As I listened to her and saw the absolutely wonderful way she had organized the study, a light bulb went off in my head.

I don't have to be in charge and do everything myself.  I know for most of you that would be a no-brainer.  But I find myself feeling like I need to do it all because of my role as pastor's wife.  And yet, if I had done it myself again this year, my friend wouldn't have been able to use her gifting.  Instead of feeling insecure, I realized that God designed us all differently for a purpose and my job in the church is to help equip others to use their gifts.

We each have unique talents and gifts and when we work together and allow each other to use our gifts, things move to a whole new and better level.  I can teach and I do it fairly well.  I'm pretty organized.  But my friend is phenomenal at both and it is apparent that God gifted her that way.  It was honestly one of the best studies I've ever attended.

On the other hand, both missionary and hospitality are very high in my gift set.  So I am passionate about supporting our International Workers and I am gifted at making people feel welcomed.  So I found great joy and pleasure in setting the table just so.  Instead of our normal Styrofoam cups, I pulled out my china tea set, made Russian tea cakes to reflect our international theme and worked hard to present one of our international worker's prayer requests available.

It was teamwork and it was sweet.  The ladies had a wonderful and fun time.  We had a very meaningful and deep Bible study.  Everyone went home encouraged, joyful and inspired.

I love when the light bulb goes off! ;-)


  1. Terri,

    Our women's study is a time of fellowship, missions, sharing, and of course Bible Study. It is the melding of our gifts that allows Christ to shine through us as individuals and as a group of ladies. Thank you for inviting to share my gifts again at church, it is nice, and something I've missed. I love a good a-ha moment too.

    The church was so welcoming and your love of missions and for the International Workers is evident and you make it easy for others to have a heart for these too.

    Church isn't a building or an individual's family and a team serving, worshiping, praising, and thanking the same God. CAC is a great place to be.

    Thanks for organizing and leading our ladies.
    Lisa M Buske

    1. Love you, Lisa! God has certainly given you many gifts and I'm so thankful for your willingness to use them for His glory!


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