
I'm feeling chatty today and so this blog post is going to be a hodgepodge of things.  It's been a rainy, dreary week but the sun did come out for a bit yesterday so I went out to get pictures of the beautiful fall foliage.  It's not going to last much longer and is just gorgeous right now.

It was choppy at the lake yesterday but not too cold so it was enjoyable.

Tomorrow is our fall festival at church and I've had so much fun planning it.  It feels like forever since I've done anything like this and I've missed it.  The first year we were here, I was so hesitant to do much though I'm not sure why.  I think some of it was just needing time to get to know our congregation and their needs.  Some of it was my own feeling of being a fish out of water in this new area and getting used to a new church, new home, new climate, and my son leaving home for the first time. It was lot of "new"!  However, over the past six months or so, I'm finding my niche and feeling like my old self.  That's a good thing! :-)

The weather isn't looking too good for tomorrow but we have lots of canopies and if need be, we will have it indoors.  It's not ideal though so I'm hoping the rain stays away in the afternoon.

Today, I'm going to be stuffing goody bags with a friend, making sugar cookies and caramel corn for our bake sale tomorrow, and working on last minute details.

I hope you all have a fabulous weekend!


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