Driving Out the Darkness

John 1:5 ~

This, in essence, is the message we heard from Christ and are passing on to you: God is light, pure light; there’s not a trace of darkness in him.

What started out as a joyful day turned into a rotten one yesterday.  I spent the majority of the afternoon feeling hurt and crying my eyes out.  It was so silly too because nothing terrible happened.  I'd love to chalk it up to hormones but I truly think the devil knows where to hit me and he hit me hard yesterday.  I allowed a difficult morning, and a chance observation that wasn't even a criticism, to knock me down and ruin my day.

Every little bit of insecurity I have came rushing to the surface.  Feelings of not being good enough and the fear of people's opinions lingered all day long.  I went to bed with a pounding headache and swollen eyes.  As I woke up this morning and the thoughts came back, tears sprang into my eyes once again.

But, as I read the verse above, I remembered that God is light.  There is no darkness in Him.  The lies that I believe about myself have no place where He dwells.   The feelings I am experiencing about a situation are not the truth.  God is bigger than all of this and I need to remember that.

He is light.  He is truth.  He brings hope and solutions where Satan wants to keep me wallowing in depression and failure.  So on this Monday, I am keeping my eyes fixed on the Lord, and remembering that in Him, there is no darkness.


  1. I felt so sad when I read your post this morning. My husband has reminded me in the past when we are doing God's will and making a difference, Satan is hard on the attack. Yes, I agree with you the enemy does know our weak spots but our God is our strength and light.Hang in there

    1. Thank you for your kind thoughts. It seems so silly now to be that upset over something so minor but it really hit me hard yesterday. Since I don't usually get so upset it did seem to be something more than just a bad day. I'm keeping alert for those attacks from the enemy!

  2. The evil one just loves those tiny gaps where he can slip in. Take heart Terri, and ward him off! Praying for you today.

    1. Thank you, Barbara. I appreciate those prayers!

  3. I often quoting John 10:10. Hope you are having a better day today :).

  4. Sorry meant I often quote John 10:10.

  5. Your feelings are what they are and there is nothing silly about that. People can be cruel and hurtful, even intentionally. I do not know you in person but you are far from silly. In fact hard working, pragmatic are words that describe you, not silly. So please don't dismiss your hurt feelings as silly.

    You are also allowed to feel emotions, the whole range of them. Angry, sad, hurt, crying and happy. The Bible never says Jesus was happy all the time. Even Jesus got angry. Jesus wept. Jesus knew Lazarus was about to be raised from the dead, yet he wept. If we look at it with human eyes it would be silly of Jesus to weep when he knew he would raise Lazarus within a short time. But it is such a short but a powerful verse that shows the Son of God humble enough to show his human side. It still hurt and grieved him that his friend died. Jesus knew he was dying for the sins of the world, yet he prayed for this cup to be taken away. Again he shows us how vulnerable he is, humbling himself in his vulnerability. He is no strong Son of God, but shows his very human side that could hurt.

    I hope I do not come across as hurtful or condemning as it is not my intention, but to say that even Jesus was hurt. So you are legitimate in your feelings, not silly and there is nothing silly about you. You come across as warm and wonderful, yet human and that is what is nice to see, not perfect. God be with you.



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