Bits of Sunshine

I love the sunshine and in the winter months I really crave it.  Yet, we live in one of the cloudiest areas of the country.  For Christmas this year, Dan bought me a sunlight lamp so that hopefully, it would help me get through the long months with little sunshine.

However, counting my blessings on a weekly basis is like having little bits of sunshine throughout my day and week.  Looking around and seeing how the Lord's hand is on my life in little ways and big ways feels like the rays of the sun shining down on me.  And that is a wonderful reason to keep on counting!

This week I'm thankful for blessings #2637 - 2650.

2637.  Windows in our sunroom that let spirit-lifting rays shine through.

2638.  A bowl of fruit that reminds me of summer.

2639.  My son's artwork hanging on the wall.

2640.  Creating a warm and inviting home for guests and family.

2641.  Friends who took us out for dinner in celebration of my birthday last night.

2642.  All the wonderful birthday wishes I received via text, Facebook and here on the blog.  I inadvertently deleted one of the wishes here but I did receive it and wanted to say, "Thank you!"

2643.  Reminders to allow the Holy Spirit to work.

2644.  Fresh flowers from my husband.

2645.  A daughter who openly shares what is going on in her life, her relationships and her heart.

2646.  Finding creative ways to save money.

2647.  A car that's been giving us trouble and yet, keeps on going.

2648.  Nathan's eligibility to find employment as a disabled person through the state of NY came in the mail 3 weeks early.

2649.  A peaceful weekend away with fellow pastor's wives who go through similar circumstances and understand.

and finally....

2650.  Finding bits of sunshine throughout my week.


  1. What a charming blog. So important to be thankful for all the Blessings he gives us, including time away with friends who understand. Have a Blessed week. Woo xx

    1. Thank you, Patricia. I hope you have a wonderful week as well!

  2. Your bits of sunshine are delightful Terri. No matter what, you can always find something to be happy about.

    1. I try, though not always successfully! But when I look back over the day and week, I see how much I really do have a lot to be thankful about.


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