Filling My Tank

(Homemade Hot Pockets)

(Ratatouille over pasta)

My plans changed yesterday.  After sending Dan and Stephen off, I had planned on getting some housework done as well as starting to work on a few projects.  However, almost two hours after they left, the door flew open and in they walked.  Even though the sun was peeking out behind the clouds here, a few miles to the south of us, the roads were treacherous with lake effect snow.  It took them an hour and a half to go about 20 minutes down the road and back.  Nathan set out for work a bit later and had to come back as well.

So it was a day of playing board games and making meals.  I laughingly joked that I had been looking forward to not cooking that evening since it was supposed to be just me and Emily!

Our lives are often like this. We make plans and they get changed.  You can either roll with the flow and change course or get frustrated and throw a fit.  I'd love to say that I'm always flexible, but often I pitch a fit when things don't go the way I planned.  God is working in me each day and so often I just fail miserably.  I lose my temper, say unkind things, have a rotten attitude or just pout. 

But in this process of becoming like Him, I am thankful that He is merciful.  I'm so grateful that He forgives me and offers grace so that I am able to pick myself up, brush myself off and keep moving forward.  And He is so faithful to me in this process of sanctification. 

I long to do a better job in my reactions and I have so far to go.  Yet, I also know that I can get where I want to be because I serve a God who is helping me along the way.  I often feel like I have a bone dry gas tank and cannot go one mile further.  But He is an unending source of gas, filling my tank. And for that I'm so thankful.

1 Thessalonians 5:23-24 (HCSB) ~

Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely. And may your spirit, soul, and body be kept sound and blameless for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.He who calls you is faithful, who also will do it.


  1. Dear Terri, thank you, thank you, thank you! You are such an inspiration and so lift up the goodness and mercy of the LORD! Joy & blessings to you and your family this week!


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