Wednesday Words of Encouragement

Psalm 92:12-16 (NIV) ~

"The righteous will flourish like a palm tree, they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon; planted in the house of the Lord, they will flourish in the courts of our God. They will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green, proclaiming, 'The Lord is upright; he is my Rock, and there is no wickedness in him."

As I look in the mirror each morning, I see gray hair peeking through the color.  What I used to call laugh lines are really looking more like wrinkles.  My eyes that were already bad to begin with, are getting worse.  And I have multiple brown spots showing up on the back on my hands. Just cleaning a room can make my joints ache.  No matter how much I try to hold it off, age is creeping up on me!

How about you? Can you relate to this? Do you find that your body doesn't work like it used to do?  Do you feel like things are slowly falling apart? Perhaps you feel like time is passing you by and you are useless.  If you do feel this way there is good news for you.

The psalmist in this passage encourages us that even though our bodies are getting older, we can still bear fruit in old age. Our spirits can still be like that of a 20-year-old.  Age does not equal uselessness.  In fact, it's just the opposite.  Because of our faith and experiences, we have so much to offer those who are younger.

Are you looking for ways to do this? Are there people around you that need the Lord? Do you actively seek out opportunities to serve not only your family, but others? Do you ask the Lord to send opportunities to share His love for others?  Do you encourage younger people in their faith?

Continue to bear fruit! Stay fresh and green! Our bodies may be getting older and begin to deteriorate a bit, but there is no reason that our faith needs to deteriorate.  God has a purpose for each of us, no matter what our age!  Use the benefit of your experience and wisdom to bless another.


  1. Gray hair? Check.
    Cleaning wears me out? Check.
    But truthfully, I don't feel old or useless. Thankfully. My hubby is constantly telling me how much he appreciates what I do for our family, and he tells me I'm beautiful more often than he did when I was 20. Yea for him! And for my Father who tells me that I'm worth something great, something worth giving it all!

  2. Very good thoughts, Terri. In these difficult times people need Jesus and the peace that only he can give. We definitely need to pray for opportunities to share Him with those around us.

    I found your blog through 50's Housewife and have been enjoying reading through it.


  3. Oh yes, I can see the gray hairs spreading and the old bones creaking particularly first thing in the morning, but my spirit feels young! Sometimes when I look in the mirror I think "who is that oldie looking at me!!" because the image doesn't reflect how I feel! Praise God.


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