Actions Speak Louder Than Words

When I listen to the news or at the struggles that friends are going through, there are times when I'd love to bury my head in the sand.  The sadness, hurt, and devastation that people are going through and even, I myself, struggle with at times causes me to want to escape. It's overwhelming.

Yet, as a believer, I am called to minister to the hurting and to help the helpless.  I'm called to not always only pray about something but to also reach out a helping hand.  And the action part is the hard part because that requires me to give up my own selfishness.  Reaching out and helping someone means I have to step outside my routine and life and step into someone else's hurts.

This has been a week of doing that and it's not always easy but certainly what is needed.  We have a young friend staying with us this week and probably most of the summer so she won't be alone.  She is going through a heart-breaking situation and needs someone to surround her with the love of Christ.  It's not always easy to add a different dynamic to family life, but I know it's the right thing to do.  We are helping a hurting family.

As I had coffee with another friend yesterday and prayed with her through her pain as well as lending a listening ear, I wish I could heal some of these hurts.  I can't, but I know the One who can.  So as I listen, and offer advice where it is asked for, I also know that the Lord can heal these hurts and cause beauty to rise from ashes.

Actions do often speak louder than words and I pray that my actions will point people to Christ.  Sometimes people not only need a listening ear, but also a helping hand.


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