Back to Basics

Dan and I have always tried to live a fairly simple life, both in possessions and lifestyle.  But there are times when I think we get away from that and at times, make things more complicated than they need to be. When that happens, we readjust and get back to the basics.

The same is true in my walk with the Lord. Sometimes, I make it very complicated. Timothy gives us a better and more simplified picture of what our Christian walk should look like. 

2 Timothy 4:7 (HCSB) ~

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.

Can those three things be said of you?  When your life comes to an end and people look back at it, will they be able to strip everything down into these three components.

1.  I have fought the good fight.  Ephesians 6 tells us that our battle is not against flesh and blood but against the spiritual forces of darkness.  Are you remembering that as you go through your struggles and battles?  I forget sometimes and wonder why it seems as if everything is going wrong all at once in my life.  Satan loves nothing more than to distract us from the task God has given us.  Are you putting your armor on each day?  Righteousness, faithfulness, the truth of salvation, peace, faith and God's word are some of the pieces of this armor.

2.  I have finished the race.  God puts us each in a race.  Everyone's circumstances are different.  God has a purpose for each of you.  Are you running your race well?  Are you running with endurance and faithfulness or have you given up? Have you allowed the distractions of the world to knock you out of the race?

3.  I have kept the faith.  The ultimate test of your walk is if you keep your faith and eyes on Jesus Christ.  Have you been faithful or have you gotten sidetracked? My faith should remain strong no matter what I go through and no matter what I face.  Because my life isn't about my own comfort or how successful I am.  My life is about bringing glory to Christ no matter what is happening. 

As I strive to live a simple life, I realize that these three basics are a necessary part of that. These three things are what I would like people to say I accomplished when I die. I'm not sure that it's always true but I continue to strive to accomplish this. 

How about you?


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