
Ephesians 2:8-9 (NLT) ~

God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God. Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it.

Undeserved favor, unearned forgiveness, unmerited mercy.  I have a head knowledge of grace but so often I live my life in such a way that it seems as if I'm trying to earn my salvation.

Sometimes I have the mistaken, internal belief that if I do enough good things or work really hard at living out my faith, that I have an in with God.  Yet, that is not what grace is at all.  Grace is a free gift.  I can do nothing to earn it, there are not enough good works in the world to make me deserve it.  I am completely broken and separated from God except for this beautiful gift of grace that He gives me.

God's grace covers me when I stumble and fall.  His grace is the Lord's hand of mercy extended to me when I mess up.  He offers grace to me on a daily basis. 

Grace when I react in anger to my family.

Grace when I have a bad attitude towards ministry.

Grace when I know the right thing to do and end up choosing the wrong thing.

Grace when I cannot do anything in my own strength.

His grace is the very thing that keeps me continually on my knees, thanking Him for every single thing in my life.  I find it fitting that my middle name is Ann which means grace.  It's a reminder to me each day that I have been given a wonderful gift.  A free gift.  An underserved gift.


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