Summer's End

I'm not sure what made me think of it, but I realized last night that I don't have an autumn decoration anywhere in the house.  Normally, at this time of the year, my fall table runners, leaves, wall hangings and wreathes are adorning my house.  I love everything about fall - the smells, the sights, the colors and the food.  But this year, it just seems like it's been one endless summer.

It's been extremely hot and humid and I've been extremely busy.  That combination caused me to miss the turning of the calendar.  So today or at least tomorrow I plan on pulling out the autumn decorations and move forward into a new season.

But let me leave you with a few last pictures of summer's end.

Canning jars stuffed anywhere I can find space.

A new to me though ancient way of making grape juice.  No more smashing and cooking and straining.  Place the grapes in canning jars, fill with boiling water and sweetener and process in a water bath canner.  After a few weeks, viola!  Grape juice.

Lemony flavors!

Beautiful summer colors from a friend.

Fresh Herbs

At the very least, I should at least remove the flower boxes and hanging plants from my deck.  It looks like the Adam's Family lives here with the brown and dead stems and no flowers!  lol

As we march onward into Autumn, do you decorate for the season?


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