No Regrets

Dan and I were chatting the other day when he made the observation, "We've really had a great life." And he is right. I feel like I've been able to experience so many different things. It's not been an easy life, but it's been one in which I truly have few regrets.
I love what I do, whether it's caring for my home and family or sewing and creating or ministry. I can honestly say that I'm happy.
However, I recently came to the realization that one of the things I've missed the most the past few months is using the talents God has given me in the artistic end of things. Creating makes me happy. It's an outlet for me, especially being in full time ministry. It's the one thing I had in my life that was truly just for me and I felt as if part of me had been lost.
So as time has gone on I decided that in order to stay sane, I needed to add that back into my life. God has wired me to be active and I know my limits and how much I can handle. So I decided to wade back into the waters of creating for pleasure and business on a limited basis.
A friend started a three month "pop-up" business in a prime location in a nearby city (Syracuse) and asked me to take part in it as one of her artisans. Because things are slower at the moment and this is just through the holidays I said, "Yes!" At the end of three months she will have the option of continuing on with a lease and I'll have the option of evaluating whether I want to continue as well. It requires me to keep my display stocked every couple of weeks but no other time commitment. It's an outlet for my creative side and I felt joy surging back through me yesterday as I set up my display.
One of the things that I've been doing which is really helpful is setting up a schedule for my day and a limit for each of the activities. So far, it's been working well, helping me to find balance, and I find that I get much more accomplished.
Today's schedule involves working on my ladies Bible study for Wednesday morning, taking care of apples that I'm swimming in and getting my house back in order after a very busy weekend. Creativity doesn't necessarily mean my house looks put together! lol
I love the Erma Bombeck quote above because that is how I feel about my life. I want to use every bit of personality, talents, gifts and resources that God has given me and not waste a single, precious moment of this life!
I want to be able to continue to say, "I have no regrets!"
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