Multitude Monday

So often I look at the negative side of everything and that becomes my focus.  Or I think thanksgiving comes from the many positives and blessings in my life.  And it is true, that it is easy to be thankful for the good things.

But what about when things aren't going well?  Can you be thankful then?  Can you look at those hard times or inconveniences and truly be thankful?  I'm working on doing that though not always successfully.  My initial response isn't always to be thankful but instead, to whine and complain and throw a temper tantrum.

But I do know that being a negative Nellie is only going to make things worse.  I also know that making my list does help me to see things through a different lens, so this week I'm counting again.  I've been doing it for a couple of years and it's been a very helpful exercise.

This week I'm thankful for blessings #2857 - 2870.

2857.  Stephen was diagnosed with Lyme's Disease right after Christmas.  This is a terrible disease caused by a tick bite, and untreated can be quite dangerous.  However, I'm so thankful that 1) he was home during this time where his own doctor could see him and I could care for him, and 2) he is feeling better. 

2858.  Finances are always tight, yet as we work to cut expenses, we can see how God keeps providing for us.  I'm thankful for the generosity of our church family.  We received a gift at Christmas time which helped us tremendously.

2859.  The month of January has been terrible in the shop.  Last week I had one customer the whole week.  But I'm thankful that I have enough money to pay my rent.  I also had some bread sales which help.  I also have had quiet time to work on ministry items that need to get done.

Now for the positive:

2860.  A huge, beautiful full moon the other night that lifted my spirits.

2861.  A full house for worship yesterday, including new visitors.

2862. Stephen preached yesterday and did a great job.  We've seen him grow in this area the more opportunities he gets and he spoke well yesterday.  In fact, someone told me yesterday afternoon that his sermon challenged them.

2863.  A friend who is coming to help me stuff envelopes today.

2864.  A friend from church who changed our thermostat for us. 

2865.  A landlord at the shop who fixes things immediately.

2866.  My husband who makes sure my car is always in working order and full of gas.  I take that for granted sometimes.  Yesterday, he got in the car and said, "It's almost empty!"  I didn't even pay attention because I'm so used to him doing that. 

2867.  Our worship team who enjoy making music together and do it with a lot of laughter.

2869.   Warmer weather with some sunshine.  Since we only get a handful of sunny days in the winter here this is something I really appreciate!

and finally...

2870.  Being thankful for even the negatives.


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