Hunkering Down

I can say with absolute certainty that it is never dull around here.  Last Tuesday, I stepped off my back stoop on my way to go for a walk, and stepped right onto a patch of black ice.  I slipped and felt something "pop" in my knee.  I hobbled on it for a week before I was able to get in to see the orthopedist.  I just assumed that I had re-damaged the meniscus. 

However, I have a fractured lateral tibial plateau which is the top of the tibia that is the weight-bearing part of the bone.  I'm in a full leg brace for the next twelve or so weeks, along with having to use crutches.  I have been instructed to put zero weight on the leg or I can cause further permanent structural damage to the knee and leg. And no, I shouldn't have been walking on it for the week that I did.  Physical therapy can take up to a year.

I'm not happy.  When I really think of the ramifications of this, it makes me cry. I had to make a hard decision and close down my shop as I can't even drive to get there because I cannot get in and out of the car without help since I can't bend my knee past a certain point.  Inactivity is really, really hard for me.

The past few days I've been camped out in Lamentations because that's how I feel.  However, there are so many golden nuggets wedged in between Jeremiah's laments that it's hard to remain sad...

Lamentations 3:19-24 ~

Remember my affliction and my homelessness,
the wormwood and the poison.
I continually remember them
and have become depressed.

Yet I call this to mind,
and therefore I have hope:

Because of the Lord’s faithful love
we do not perish,
for His mercies never end.

They are new every morning;
great is Your faithfulness!
I say: The Lord is my portion,
therefore I will put my hope in Him.

And another...

Jeremiah 3:31-33 ~

For the Lord will not reject us forever.

Even if He causes suffering,
He will show compassion
according to His abundant, faithful love.
For He does not enjoy bringing affliction
or suffering on mankind.

And still another...

Jeremiah 3:55-58 ~

I called on Your name, Yahweh,

from the depths of the Pit.
You hear my plea:
Do not ignore my cry for relief.
You come near when I call on You;
You say: "Do not be afraid."
You defend my cause, Lord;
You redeem my life.

How can I stay down when I know God has a plan for my life and it's a good one?  I am using this time to focus on hearing from Him and seeing what He wants me to learn from this situation.  I'm a learning to be humble and accept help where it's needed and offered.  So many people have generously offered different things.  I can't accept or don't need all of the help offered, but I will most certainly need some of it. 

So I'm hunkering down the next few months, doing work from my computer - at least my fingers aren't broken, ;-)  and listening to what God has to say to me.


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