Multitude Monday

I haven't done a Multitude Monday list on here for almost 2 months.  It's not that I'm not thankful, but mostly that I've been listing one thing I'm thankful for each day on my Facebook page.  It's been a great exercise because every day I have to think about something I'm thankful about.  Often as I go through my day, I'll think, "Oh, this is a wonderful 'thanksgiving' thing." 

It's truly caused me to overflow with thankfulness. 

Colossians 2:6-7 ~

So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.

There is so much negativity going on in this world.  Yet, as believers, we should be known for our thanksgiving.  That's only going to happen as we are grounded and rooted in Christ.  When I can see things through faith-eyes, then even those difficult and hard things in my life can become something to praise God about.  I may not be thankful for the trial or crisis, but I can be thankful that He's walking with me in the middle of it.  I can be thankful for hard lessons that I learn through them.

They say practice makes perfect.  Let's practice being thankful each day.  Soon you will overflow and spill out with thankfulness and perhaps, that overflow will spill onto another and cause them to be thankful as well.


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