
I often feel like I'm speeding along on the highway of life.  My windows are down, the sun is shining and the music is blaring.  It's all good!  Then I approach a hill.  I start up this large incline and halfway up, my engine stalls and I start rolling backwards.  I do that each and every time.  I get just far enough up the hill that I think I may make it but then something happens to my engine and I roll back down the hill. 

Or there are other times when I do make it to the top of the hill.  I enjoy the beautiful scenery for a few minutes before I start heading down the other side.  I take my foot off the accelerator and just coast down the hill.  Coasting can be a great feeling until you hit the plains.  Then you realize that coasting will only take you so far.  Without gas, the car will eventually stop moving and stall.

This can be applied to my spiritual life.  When I'm struggling with sin or anxiety or burdens, I feel like I'm heading up a hill.  It's a huge weight and I so long to trust Jesus and make it to the top, but the second I take my eyes off Him, my engine stalls and I roll back down the hill.  I become anxious with worry or I react in fear, anger and a host of other emotions.  I get bogged down in sin.  All of these responses do nothing to help me progress further. 

When I do get past the obstacle, it's so easy to breathe a sigh of relief and coast.  My spiritual life becomes stagnant, my focus is taken off the Lord and on to the scenery around me and I am merrily going on my way.  Wheeeeeeee!!!!!!

But, coasting will only take me so far.  If I don't keep my foot pressed against the accelerator I'll start slowing down and eventually stop.  I need to press the gas to move forward.

I want to keep my foot on the gas and move forward at a consistent speed so that no matter if I'm on a hill, at the top, heading down the other side, or on a smooth, flat patch in my life there is forward motion.  And that takes staying focused on God, and His word, and wanting to move forward in my spiritual life.  That requires keeping my foot on the "gas" which is the source of my power; Jesus Christ.  I have to keep rooted in Him and it's in following Him that I will find my growth.

How about you?  Do you find that you run into the same problem?

Hebrews 12:1-2 (NLT) ~

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith.


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