
Two months ago, I stepped off my back step and onto a patch of black ice.  I didn't fall, but my left leg, below the knee, shot out to the left and at an angle it was never meant to go. The doctor told me that it was like a nutcracker cracked a nut and, in this case, the bony protrusion at the top of the tibia.

That little act has put me out of commission for the past 2 months, and I still have another month to go in the leg brace.  I decided that during these 3 months, I would be still enough to try and figure out what God was telling me. 

Accidents happen, and while I joke that God had to trip me to get my attention, I don't believe He always works that way.  But I do believe He uses these trials to demonstrate His love and often, He does bring us a message when we are listening and looking for it. So during this time of inactivity, I've been praying, reading, listening and also chatting with my husband about some of what I've been hearing from the Lord.

The main thing I've come away with during this time is the word, focused.  It's something I struggle with.  I have a curious mind.  I love to be active and I like to try new things.  The only problem with that is I get easily bored, distracted and off-course.  I am not single-minded. 

I know God called me so many years ago to full-time ministry. When I stay focused on that, I see fruit.  I've had confirmation from many that I am gifted in certain ways.  I have a passion to help people know God's love. 

But again, I get side-tracked.  If things slow down in ministry which they will from time to time, I'm off onto the next shiny new adventure.  It's hard to admit that you aren't focused, but that is the truth. 

So, God has been gently pointing this out.  He keeps prodding me to stay focused on my calling.  He is using my time in a chair to remind me of what my mission is in this life.  I'm putting off the distractions and stepping forward in faith, to follow Him.

I'm not saying I'll do this perfectly, but it was good to be shown some of these weaknesses of mine so that I can do a course correction and get back on track.

Philippians 3:14 (NIV) ~

I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.


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