Multitude Monday

As I'm reading through the Old Testament, I'm on the story of Moses and the Israelites in the desert.  I'm amazed once again at the constant grumbling of the Israelites, despite the fact that they've seen God rescue them and provide for them in absolutely miraculous ways time and time again.

Numbers 14:11 ~ And the Lord said to Moses, “How long will these people treat me with contempt? Will they never believe me, even after all the miraculous signs I have done among them?

Ultimately, none of that generation were able to enter the promised land because of their complaining and disbelief.  I shake my head and wonder how in the world could they continue to complain when confronted with miracles, but I wonder how often I do the very same thing.

I have seen God's hand do miracles in my life throughout the years, and yet the very first time I'm confronted with an obstacle I tend to moan and whine and complain.  I get wracked with anxiety.  It must cause God to think, "Why have I called this woman into ministry?"  

I'm learning (very slowly) to trust God in the hard times and to live a life of thanksgiving and praise, and not one of complaining and grumbling.  This weekly exercise certainly is a way to focus on the blessings.

This week I'm thankful for blessings #3063 - 3075.

3063. Big, beautiful berries.

3064.  Major answered prayer and provision for Emily's tuition.

3065.  Summer flowers.

3066. Having Stephen home for a couple of days.  

3067.  I'm so thankful for the hard times because it's often a avenue for me to learn greater trust and faith.  I don't like going through it but I am thankful for the lessons that I learn.

3068.  I'm so blessed by times of good conversation with my husband.  We challenge and encourage one another.  We aren't afraid to critique ourselves to make sure we have a realistic view of what is going on in our lives and ministry.  It's always good.  I'm thankful for quite a few opportunities to talk with him this week.

3069.  Dan has been preaching on different aspects of worship.  This week he talked about worship being recognizing Christ as Lord of our lives and living a surrendered life.  I'm thankful for that reminder.

3070.  I'm thankful for God's healing touch.

3071.  A steaming cup of coffee in the morning, as I watch the morning mist rise off the back field.

3072.  Perfect weather over the weekend.

3073.  The smell of lavender in the air.

3074.  An abundance of fresh herbs in the summer.

and finally...

3075.  I'm thankful that I'm developing a heart of thankfulness.


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