
Dan and I decided to go for a walk yesterday at one of our favorite new places. It's a state park with two lakes that have connecting trails that go around both lakes and other places in the park system.  Some of the trails are flat and easy and others are rougher.  Because my knee is still healing we chose the flat trails around the lakes, but did actually go around both of them for a total of 3 miles.

I overdid it a bit because my knee was hurting and I was limping at the end, but it feels so good to be doing some sort of exercise and also being out in nature.  I have to say that I feel so frustrated at times because I know that losing weight will help my knees but the thing that I need to do in order to lose it, I can't do because of my knees.  UGH!!! 

I'm trying to push through the pain a bit in order to at least start.  It's not the walking straight ahead motion that hurts, but any little variation of a side to side motion makes the ligament screech with pain.  Yesterday, I had a wet leaf and bit of mud on my sneaker and I went to scrape my foot off on a rock without thinking and the little sideways motion made me jump.  Ouch!  It's just one of those injuries that is going to take a long time to heal. 

One of the reasons we love to walk is because it is a way we connect with each other.  We talk as we walk about all sorts of things - our lives, our children, our marriage and our ministry.  We both always come away feeling closer with each other.  So it's been more than a little frustrating that I've been so limited on what I can do.

I so wish it were closer so I could go there multiple times during the week.  It's definitely a beautiful spot.  I jokingly told Dan yesterday that the only bad thing there is everyone else seems to think the same way because there are many people there.  I mean being out in nature should be a solitary thing, don't you think?  ;-)

I'd love to get out and walk somewhere today but Dan has a meeting he's off to at our district office and I'm headed out early this afternoon to give a cooking lesson to a friend's teens.  Tomorrow will have to do!

Have a wonderful day, my friends!


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