Discerning the Best

Ever since I've been in ministry, my life seems to have been about programming.  Run this program, head up this outreach event, do this new thing.  And while I've loved doing all this, I'm not sure it's always been effective in the grand scheme of God's kingdom..

I have been in self-reflective mode the past few weeks as I'm entering in this new stage of my life.  Emily was home for the weekend and we take her back to college today and then won't see her again until sometime in October.  Stephen leaves tomorrow morning for his last semester.  It'll just be me, Dan and Nathan, and the house will seem different.  

At times, it's goods to re-evaluate things and see what's working and what isn't.  To see what needs revamping and to shake out the chaff.  As I was having my devotions this morning I read the following passage.

Philippians 1:9-11 ~

And I pray this: that your love will keep on growing in knowledge and every kind of discernment, so that you can approve the things that are superior and can be pure and blameless in[ the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ to the glory and praise of God

I want to discern the things that are superior and forgo the "good" for the "best."  That's not always easy for me because if something needs doing, I'll generally be the first one with my hand up.  However, I know that relationship takes priority over programming.

But, that isn't my natural inclination.  I'm definitely a people person, but I'm always busy and always doing.  And when I'm in that mode, relationships always take a backseat.  So in the coming few months, my desire is to have people over for a meal and to be able to sit and get to know them.  I want to go out for a cup of coffee and listen to another.  I want to be still long enough to really hear what's going on in a friend's life.

I want to grow in discerning what is superior so I can do those things that are the best in my life.


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