A Leaky Faucet

I am a crier.; I admit it.  Always have been and probably always will be. 

I cry at sappy commercials.  I cry during love songs.  I cry at weddings.  I cry during movies.  Emotion wells up and out of me at unexpected times.  My feelings irritate me at times because the emotion comes out of nowhere and when I least want to show it.  But it's just the way it is.

But lately, it feels like tears are constantly at the surface and they well up and spill out and down my cheeks at truly the most inconvenient places.  I'm like a leaking faucet. Little things will set them off.  

😢Such as when I'm reading a passage of scripture to our congregation during Sunday morning worship.

😢Standing in the aisle of a Toys R Us store, trying to select just the right gift for two little girls.  The memories of picking out toys for my own children cause them to drip down my cheeks.

😢Having a conversation with a friend.

😢As thoughts and prayers crowd my head while sewing.  The tears cause my eyes to blur and I have to stop temporarily to wipe them away.

We went to dinner at a friend's house last night and she reminded me of something that is perhaps the cause of such frequent tears. 
  • In the past four years we moved to a brand new area that is very culturally different from where we were.
  • My whole ministry has changed.
  • My middle son left home for the first time to finish college.
  • My eldest and youngest have struggled here.
  • My youngest has now left home to go to college.
  • I have entered into the beginning of menopause.
  • I have dealt with multiple injuries over the past three years which has made it difficult to move or exercise.
Lots of changes.  Lots of adjustment.  And it stands to reason, lots of emotion. I'm not depressed or anything like that, but just feel more emotional than normal. 

But at the same time, while there have been tears, there have been smiles.  Good things are happening here.  It's taken longer, but I've made good friends. People are very reserved here and they don't give their emotions away easily, but when people say they love you, they really love you.

I enjoy my ministry, and I enjoy the fact that I've been able to have a viable craft business. I'm entering into a different, but exciting stage in my life.

It's change.  It's different.  But God is with us and with our children, and I know if I'm following Him, it's all good!

Psalm 56:8 (NLT) ~

You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book.


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