Multitude Monday

I woke up this morning with the song, Give Me Jesus, running through my head.  It really was a sweet way to wake up and a wonderful start to the week.

This week I'm thankful for blessings, 3130 - 3146.

3130. Times of sweet prayer this week, crying out to the Lord for different things.

3131. I'm thankful for God's provision.  Dan is tutoring three students which is very helpful to our finances.

3132. A contractor came on Friday and checked our roof, which is leaking.  There are three holes up there which he will be coming to fix.  I'm thankful for proactive church members who got this done.

3133. Fall scents.

3134. The beauty of the woods in November.

3135. The fact that my husband still can make me laugh out loud after 29 years of marriage.

3136. Answered prayer.  I had a major flare-up of diverticulitis on Saturday.  On top of that the plantar fasciitis in my left heel was so bad I couldn't put any weight on my foot at all. I was using crutches to get around on Saturday night.  I finally asked for prayer from the ladies in my church, and by yesterday morning I was able to get to church with minimal pain.  
3137. Two people who made the decision to become new members of our church.

3138. People who are willing to use their talents for the Lord.  A gentleman in church yesterday stretched himself and filled in on the drums and did a wonderful job.

3139. Our church hosted a baby shower for a couple in our church who are having a difficult time.  They were beaming yesterday and I'm so thankful that we were able to bless them in this way.

3140. Fermentation! ;-)

3141. Relaxing Sunday afternoons.  I watched a couple of shows, I sewed, and I rested.  

3142. Little ones at church that make me smile with their antics.

3143. Hearing how the guys in our church are getting together throughout the week for fellowship and encouragement.

3144. Texts back and forth from our worship team that make me laugh.

3145. A friend who invited us to dinner tonight.

and finally...

3146.  An early start on my day.


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