On the Third Day of Christmas

I told Dan yesterday that I didn't watch any of the Christmas movies I usually do because I had been so busy with preparations.  But then I realized that technically it was only the 2nd Day of Christmas and I could continue the celebration! So I decided to watch one a day and drag out the festivities.

So today's movie is "It's a Wonderful Life."  And that is exactly how I feel.  I do enjoy my life even though it's difficult at times.  I'm doing what God has called me to do.  I have a husband and children who love me.  What more could I want?

We are snowed in for the day with 17" falling overnight and it's still coming down hard.  Lake effect snow is a wondrous thing.  You can be getting hammered and just a few feet down the road they either get nothing, or twice as much as you!  At the northeastern end of the lake, they've gotten about 4 feet since Sunday.  Yesterday we had sunshine and nothing.  You never know what you are going to get.

And that's kind of a metaphor for life.  You never know what will happen but if you are centered and spiritually prepared, you will get through the storms. We had a discussion the other day around the dinner table about this fact.  Some people have bad things happen and they fall away from the faith, and rant and rave about God.  Yet other people can have equal or worse things happen and stay strong in their faith.  It has to do with who you are putting your faith in. My prayer is that I would remain centered in the rough patches.

Well, that's enough musings for today.

On this third day of Christmas, I'm going to make a shopping list for our party on Saturday.  I'm going to do laundry and clean the bathrooms.  I'm going to watch a Christmas movie.  And I'm going to play with my new camera.

Yes, my wonderful family bought me a brand new camera.  They know how much I love photography and my pictures have been "meh" lately because my old one has bit the dust.  They didn't buy me any old camera.  They purchased one with two different lenses and settings that I still have to figure out.  No more point and shoot!  So today I'm going to be studying my operators manual and figure it out.

Have a wonderful day.  Continue the celebration of our Lord.  Enjoy your family and friends.  And stay centered in Christ!


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