56 Fun Facts on My Birthday

Today is my birthday and I turn 56 years old. I thought a fun way to celebrate would be to list 56 fun facts about myself so you can get to know me a little better. Some you may already know and others may be new.

1.   I played saxophone for 8 years (alto, tenor and baritone)
2.   I played soccer, softball, and volleyball in high school and pretty much, stunk at all three. lol
3.   I was a cheerleader in high school.
4.   I was born in NJ
5.   I grew up in the Catskill Mountains in NY.
6.   I've worn glasses since I was 10 years old and my eyes are pretty bad.
7.   My favorite candy is skittles.
8.   My favorite ice cream flavor is black raspberry.
9.   I went cliff climbing in college and fell.
10. I've been to England, Spain, France, Scotland and the Bahamas.
11. I am afraid of heights.
12. I am afraid of big dogs.
13. I am afraid of spiders.
14. I love to swim.
15. I love hiking.
16. I came in third place in a state wide writing competition in elementary school.
17. I've driven in New York City by myself.
18. I was on a gospel team that went into NYC every Friday night in college to work with kids.
19. I've taken piano lessons and that didn't go so well.
20. I've ridden horses.
21. I've gotten lost in the woods.
22. My favorite color is yellow.
23. My favorite tea is chai.
24. I love any kind of Italian pasta dish
25. I've eaten pig ears.
26. I taught Sunday school in a Korean church for a year in college.
27. I worked as a nanny.
28. I was the director of an adult literacy program for ten years.
29. I taught English as a Second language
30. I was the assistant director of an early learning center.
31. I lived in one of the most densely populated cities in the U.S. for ten years.
32. In college I walked 3 miles to get to my job before I got a car.
33. I was the social director in seminary and tried to infuse some fun into some pretty serious seminary students! lol
34. Dan and I started dating in July, 1987 and were married in June, 1988.
35. I've done a lot of public speaking over the years.
36. I've written and published 4 books.
37. I've taught myself to do many things - soap making, cheese making, gardening, small appliance repair and a host of other things. 
38. I'm a morning person. Please don't ask me to stay up past 10. ;-)
39. I hate talking on the telephone.
40. I went to my first dentist appointment ever in college and only had 1 cavity.
41. I've never had a massage
42. I hate exercising in front of people so it's surprising that I've been hitting the gym lately.
43. I'm an extravert.
44. I hate balloons because I'm always afraid they are going to pop.
45. I met Dan in seminary.
46. I was the public relations director of the year for a company I worked for.
47. I worked for a company who hosted The Masters golf tournament and got to tour their Augusta, GA plant. 
48. I've been downhill skiing.
49. I've done gymnastics.
50. The first thing I do every morning is grab a cup of coffee and my bible.
51. I have to take a shower every day or else I feel icky.
52. I love hanging clothes out to dry.
53. I've owned chickens.
54. I've been chased by a bull.
55. I've slept under the stars.
56. Dan and I were guests on the Geraldo Rivera show before we were married. They had a show on premarital counseling and the counselor they were interviewing had to bring couples with him and we were one of them.

That was harder than I thought and now you know 56 useless facts about me! Hahaha! It's been a unique life and I'm thankful for the experiences I have had that have shaped me.

I'm celebrating today by having a two hour meeting via conference call. lol However, my family is taking me out to dinner later.  

Happy Birthday to me!


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