The Sweetness that Comes When You Start to Get it Right

God's voice seems elusive to me at times, but I think that's because I get so consumed with activity that I don't take the time to listen. Over the past few weeks I've felt this heaviness and nudging in my spirit that I couldn't ignore. I knew without a doubt that God was pressing in on me the need to drop some things so that I would be free to do those activities He was calling me to do. 
So I've been trying to be obedient to that voice, even though it's been difficult. I've wrestled with myself. I've let go, picked it back up and then had to let go again. It has been an internal struggle that has been difficult. 
But this morning, I smiled as I opened up the chapter for our monthly Bible study tonight. Usually I try to go through it ahead of time but I wasn't able to this month. I opened it up to the title, "Overwhelmed" and as I read it, it matched exactly what I had been struggling with over the past few weeks.
I'm so thankful for that confirmation I received this morning that I'm on the right track. That it is necessary to wean out those things that prevent me from doing God's best for my life. It also confirmed that the things I've kept in my life are the activities that God has ordained for me. And that is because I see fruit in those areas. As I move forward through my day, doing what God has called me to do, things flow nicely. I see fluidity in all the parts that make up the ministry the Lord has give me.
And that is a sweet, sweet way to spend each day.

I was trying to put my weekly to do list on the side bar but I don't like it there. I can't control the font or how I check things off or anything so I'm back to doing it here on Mondays.
Weekly Goals for 4/9 – 4/15/18

Spiritual/Personal Development
1. Personal Bible reading and prayer at least 5 out of the 7 days
2. Required reading for consecration & personal development:

The Children's Bread by Keith Bailey
The Broken Way by Ann VosKamp

3. Work on consecration questions for my meeting with my mentor next week.They are all written out and now I'm just working on studying.

1. Date
2. Find a way to bless him this week

1. Purchase a cookbook someone told me about for Stephen. He leaves in less than a month for his internship at another church. He's going to have to learn how to cook for himself. lol
2. Send a care package to Emily.

Weight Loss
1. Exercise at least 3 times this week for 30 minutes each time. - Walked 2 miles but that's going to be it since I reinjured my knee. 

1. Work on Bible study for tonight (Monday)
2. Work on Retreat that is taking place on 4/27-48/28
3. Come up with lesson and activity for Thursday night's 3D Kids
4. Worship practice on Friday night (filling in this week)

1. Deep clean my bedroom
2. Clean both bathrooms
3. Vacuum house
4. Dust living room/dining room


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