Multitude Monday
The sound of birds woke me at 4:30 this morning and after tossing and turning for about 45 minutes I got up, grabbed coffee and my bible and headed to the deck. There was a cool breeze blowing and the scent of flowers wafted through the air. It was not a bad start to this Memorial Day.
As I sat on the deck, reading and praying, I came across these verses,
2 Corinthians 2:14-16 (TLB) ~
But thanks be to God! For through what Christ has done, he has triumphed over us so that now wherever we go he uses us to tell others about the Lord and to spread the Gospel like a sweet perfume.As far as God is concerned there is a sweet, wholesome fragrance in our lives. It is the fragrance of Christ within us, an aroma to both the saved and the unsaved all around us.To those who are not being saved, we seem a fearful smell of death and doom, while to those who know Christ we are a life-giving perfume. But who is adequate for such a task as this?
I do feel very inadequate for this task at times, and unfortunately, I'm not always sweet smelling or I let other's stench rub off on me and bring me down. I'm thankful for these moments spent in prayer and reading where God reminds me of these things. My desire is to be the sweet-smelling aroma of Christ to all I meet. It's a daunting task, but one I'm called to do.
I'm thankful for so many things this week.
Blessings #3,257 - 3,270.
3,258. The sound of taps being played at a funeral.
3,259. Fellowship over a church barbecue.
3260. Stephen is doing well and enjoying his new job.
3261. Backyard visitors
3,262. Friends who took us on a tour of their place of business; a huge aluminum making plant. I wasn't sure I'd really enjoy it but it was interesting.
3,263. A local farmer's market and greenhouse is carrying some of my items. I had all this inventory that was just sitting so hopefully it'll sell.
3,264. The sound of birds singing.
3,265. Flowers in my yard.
3,266. Steve came home for a few days.
3,267. Men and women who have sacrificed their lives for our country.
3,268. Beautiful weather.
3,269. Summer barbecues.
and finally...
3,270. The sweet aroma of Christ.

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