So Many Projects; So Little Time

We had a wonderfully relaxing Memorial Day yesterday. I sewed, did a couple of loads of laundry, worked on a barbecue, and played board games. It really was a good day.

I have so many projects looming around here and yet, the summers are so short and I'm also busy with ministry. However, I can't just ignore them all forever. I did get my planters filled with flowers this weekend and set up on my deck. I took all of my inventory down the road to a local nursery/winery that offered to let me put my items there for sale. So that's all set up.

One of the things that has really been bothering me are the flower beds around my house. It really is starting to look like an abandoned house, and yet, I can't do anything because of my knee. Just walking across the yard to hang a load of clothes hurts it.

So I finally humbled myself and took a couple of deep breaths because I don't like spending money on something I could do myself and hired a young man from our church. He is going to come today and weed out around the house. It's a beautiful day for it so hopefully, it'll look better.

My hairdresser and I barter services and she dropped off a load of projects on Sunday afternoon, including outdoor cushions she wanted me to cover. They are a set of weird shaped cushions for a large round chaise lounge. So after puzzling it out for a while, I decided to cut apart the cushions and just add Velcro tabs so they could reconnect. My friend gave me license to do whatever was needed and when I told her what I was thinking, she was fine with it. It certainly made it easier by covering individual cushions. 

Next on the list is to finish a quilt I started for her of all her son's swimming ribbons and t-shirts for his high school graduation.  

I still need to paint Emily's room, and would like to get that done before the end of June because my mom and stepdad are coming and will be staying in there.  As I'm looking at the pictures of our dining room table, I'm reminded that needs to be refinished. I also need to go through bags of clothing and get them to good will.

I have a busy June so I want to get as much done as I can. Of course, I have to work around writing a newsletter, planning a retreat, traveling and a bunch of other things too.  I finally got approval for an MRI on my knee and that's happening on Thursday afternoon. Emily is coming home for the weekend too. 

Busy times! Today's plan is to pick up my young friend to weed, finish up those cushions and work on a retreat, as well as drop the car off at the garage when Nathan gets home from work. Dan and Stephen went to climb a high peak in the Adirondacks today so I'll have the house to myself for most of the day.

Have a good one!


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