Making the Most of the Time

Ephesians 5:15-17 (HCSB) ~

Pay careful attention, then, to how you walk—not as unwise people but as wise—making the most of the time, because the days are evil. So don’t be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is.

I realized yesterday that it's been over a month since I wrote out a to-do list here. Most of that has been because with my knee situation I just haven't been able to do much of anything. Now that I've had surgery and it's getting back to normal, I can begin to get back into a routine though obviously, I still need to take it easy.

Yesterday, I sat down and finished one of the projects that I need to do for consecration. I was supposed to write out a five year learning plan for my life. I had been mulling it over for a couple of months now, but put pen to paper (or rather, fingers to keyboard) and typed it out. I felt it was a good exercise and a way to live my life a bit more intentionally.

I'm finding as I get older that this verse in Ephesians is hitting home a bit more. I want to live my life in a way that is very deliberate. I want to make the most of the time and I want to be wise as I try to discern God's will for my life. So the activities I choose need to be deliberate and I want to make sure I'm working smart.

I was also in the process of typing up my monthly report to my mentor yesterday and as I did so, I was pleasantly surprised to see how much I was able to accomplish even with multiple doctor's appointments, a week's vacation and knee surgery. 

  • I was able to put together an afternoon event that was attended by 105 women.
  • I completed 3 papers and 1 project for consecration.
  • Competed a book and an article that I needed to read as well.
  • I had 7 people over during the course of three different days.
  • I wrote and distributed our district newsletter.
  • I put together registration materials and sent them out to the district churches for our upcoming fall retreat.
  • I took a friend out to lunch.
  • I had dinner with my mentor.
  • I responded to more emails than I can count.
I love when I can look back and see how much actually got accomplished. The majority of that happened from my armchair since I couldn't get around much so it was nice to see some productivity. 

But it also wasn't done in my own strength because there were many days when I didn't want to do anything. However, when I keep in mind the idea of making the most of my days, living deliberately and keeping to the path laid out by the Lord for my life, it's easier to keep moving forward.

Spiritual/Personal Development

1. Bible reading and prayer - 5 out of 7 days
2. Required reading for consecration: A Basic Guide to Eschatology by Millard Erickson

Husband & Marriage

1. Date with Dan
2. Mend a pair of pants and a sweater that he's been asking me to do for a while


1. Follow up with Nathan's paperwork


1. Do physical therapy exercise 3 times per day, 7 days per week.
2. Continue to cut back on sweets and salty snacks


1. Bulletins and announcements for Sunday
2. 3D Kid's picnic (some of the children were missing it for the summer so we decided to have a picnic
3. Begin working on my annual report as Great Commission Women's Director
4. Begin formulating a plan for ministry for the fall.


1. Dust  & Vacuum master bedroom
2. Declutter master bedroom
3. Clean both bathrooms
4. Sew curtains for kitchen

Most of this is still "sitting in a chair" activity, but since I'm following my doctor's advice it will have to do for now.


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