Plunging In

We live just a few miles from Lake Ontario and I always love going there to walk and get pictures. After dinner last night, Dan and I drove there and while I couldn't walk, I did get a few shots. Because this shot was from so far away, I didn't even notice this tern plunging into the lake until I was looking through the photos this morning. They will dive into the water head first from a height of 1-6' as they are on the hunt for fish so we often see them swooping back and forth over the lake.

I often reflect on different aspects of life as I take these pictures and this reminded me of something. How often do we spend our lives dipping our toes into what God has for us, instead of plunging in? There have been so many times in my life when I sense God's nudging to do something, and yet, because I'm fearful, I tend to timidly move forward. I dip my toes in the water instead of taking the leap of faith.

This often occurs for a number of reasons. I'm afraid of the unknown. I'm not sure what to expect and start to worry about the "what ifs." What if such and such happens? What if I fail? What if things don't go as planned? And the final "what if" is what if God doesn't show up?

Which is the second reason we don't take the plunge. We lack faith and trust that God will follow through on what He says. And that lack of faith is never because God doesn't do what He says. The lack of faith comes because we don't trust Him. We don't think He is faithful to carry out what He promised.

The third reason we don't plunge in is sheer lack of desire to be used by God. That's blunt, but there are times when I just plain don't want to do what I've been called to do. I'm lazy. I'm selfish and I don't want to give up my time, money or talents. I want to do what I want to do when I want to do it! Ouch. That isn't pleasant to think about, but it's the honest truth.

I would encourage you to take the plunge if you feel God calling you to do something. I don't know what that is and it will look different for each of us. Perhaps it's to start or participate in a ministry in your church. Perhaps it's to step out in faith and tithe more. Maybe it's to open your home and practice the gift of hospitality. Or maybe as I shared yesterday, it's to stop clutching on to some activity and let it go. 

Stop dipping your toes in the water and then snatching them back. Trust that God is faithful, obediently do what He asks and plunge headfirst into the water!


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