Tuesday To-Do List

It's been a busy week and we've only just started! Yesterday, we drove 7 hours round trip to help Stephen pack up from where he was doing his internship, clean and come back home. So now I have piles in my house. Lucky me! ;-) But, I've decided that I'm going to eat this elephant one bite at a time and not stress about it.

Here is the plan for this week:

Spiritual/Personal Development

1. Bible reading and prayer - 5 out of 7 days
2. Required reading for consecration - because this isn't pleasure reading and I have a hard enough time concentrating as it is, I pull out a highlighter and highlight the important points. It's keeping me focused!

Husband & Marriage

1. Find a way to bless my husband this week.


1. Help Stephen pack up and move
2. Send documentation to NY State to provide proof of Nathan's disability
3. Paperwork for ACCESS-VR for Nathan (agency for adults with disabilities)
4. Help Nathan pack what he needs for his trip
5. Get him out to his Aunt and Uncle on Friday.
6. Pick up Emily and bring her home on Saturday.


1. Do physical therapy exercise 3 times per day, 7 days per week.
2. Continue to cut back on sweets and salty snacks - FAIL last week
3. I have a follow-up appointment with the doctor today and I'm going to see if I'm cleared to start walking again.


1. Bulletins and announcements for Sunday.
2. District Missions Committee work
3. Begin working on my annual report as Great Commission Women's Director
4. Begin formulating a plan for ministry for the fall.


1. Clean both bathrooms
2. Dust sunroom 
3. Do my best to declutter sunroom
4. Come up with menus and a list for our vacation which starts Sunday afternoon

I'm off to get started! Have a great day.


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