Just Do It

"Just do it" is the famous slogan of Nike and I'm realizing without a plan and the resolve to "just do it" not much will happen around here. The humidity has been terrible and at 6:30 this morning it already felt like a sauna before the sun even peeked its head from the clouds.There will be more of this tomorrow before it breaks, so my resolve to get things done will only go as far as the coolness from the air-conditioning can reach.

Here is my weekly plan and since my list generally starts on Monday, some of this has been completed:

Spiritual/Personal Development
1. Bible reading and prayer (5 out of 7 days)
2. Required reading for consecration - There are two tiers of reading and I just completed all of the tier I books so I'm way ahead of the game.
3. Begin work on the second of two required projects

Husband and Marriage
1. Breakfast or lunch out one day this week - if we don't make a conscious effort to connect like this, it's easy to get busy with our own separate things

1. Work out an agreement (financial/expectations/etc.) with Stephen as he lives here, starting in the next few weeks while he looks for employment. It will help him stay focused on his goals. I think it will also help me keep my sanity and not feel the need to nag, nag, nag. That never goes well! lol

1. Exercise 5 out of 7 days - I've been walking at least a mile each day and I'm getting faster. I've also been trying to do the physical therapy exercises at least twice a day even though I hate doing them. My knee aches quite a bit throughout the day, but I also remember it taking almost a year before my other knee was totally pain free so I just need to be patient. It certainly does not hurt like it did before surgery and I can actually bend it and move so I'm very thankful! 
2. Come up with alternative for snacking. I do fine all day long but from dinner on I feel like I'm in this grazing mode. So if I must graze then it needs to be better options than what I've been snacking on.

Church Ministry
1. Leadership meeting tomorrow night.
2. Bulletins for Sunday
3. Get my fall schedule put together and talk with my children's workers
4. Follow up with our missionary for our missions conference

District Ministry
1. Get prayer stations figured out and what is needed at each for our district retreat that is three weeks from this weekend.
2. Finish working on items to be copied for retreat
3. Get door prizes and first time gifts figured out for retreat
4. Finish up my national report
5. Write article for district newsletter
6. Put together GCW September newsletter

1. Deep clean both bathrooms
2. Deep clean kitchen
3. Deep clean Emily's room and get it ready for her weekend visit and to paint early next week
4. Make 2 batches of soap (there are a couple of upcoming retreat/craft fairs I'll be participating in)  Actually made 3 batches

Crafty Things - I'm going to be a vendor at a couple of upcoming retreats and craft fairs so I'm sewing and crafting a bit each day. I'll just post what I make as I do them here.
1. Made 3 aprons
2. Made 4 teabag totes
3. Made 27 notecards for a prayer station at my upcoming retreat.

Okay, that's the plan and it seems a bit daunting, but I'm off to get started. Have a great day!


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