
Joy-stealers are around every corner. I always find it interesting that after every single retreat that I've planned that something comes along to snatch away the joy I feel. I have been the director of our district women's organization for 2 1/2 years and I've put together 11 retreats/events in that time and the same thing occurs after every single one. 

It may occur through criticism, someone being unhappy about something, one of my own family member's crises, something going wrong or a mistake that I've made. Whatever the cause, it threatens to unravel all the good that occurred during that retreat.

This weekend was no different. Someone made a beeline for me the first night as soon as the session was over. I thought perhaps she was going to encourage me that I did a good job in my talk or that the overall night went well. Nope; no encouragement. It was to complain that people in the back couldn't hear and that went on for quite a few minutes. 

After the retreat, I had to deal with a different problem. Then I got a text from my daughter who is going through a rough patch with someone. Sigh. There are all kinds of things that threaten that fragile well-being that I felt. But I also know they are coming in one form or the next so I'm no longer surprised when they happen and I work hard to try and not let it take away the joy I feel. 

So I'm thankful that today is Monday and I can look back over my week and count those many blessings that did occur this weekend. I am still feeling joy and I refuse to allow anything to take that away!

This week I'm thankful for blessings # 3,376 - 3,385

3,376. Getting my enormous to-do list done for the week.

3,377. A neighbor who brought over a basketful of tomatoes.

3,378. Everything I needed to bring for the retreat fit in my small car (barely). 

3,379. The young man who helped me carry things in when I got to my destination.

3,380. A friend who opens her home to me each time I'm in her town.

3,381. The gift of organization and not forgetting any of the details.

3,382. Those who do have the gift of encouragement.

3,383. Sales during the weekend. I sold $150 worth of merchandise and most of it $4 items. The profits are going towards our national project that is helping at-risk women around the world.

3,384. Women who generously gave to two of our offerings this weekend.

and finally...

3,385. Sleep! I took a nap yesterday afternoon and then kept dozing around 8ish on the couch. I finally moved to the bedroom and slept from 9 - 6:30. I feel great this morning!

Today's plan is to finish up some correspondence and take care of a few leftover tasks from the retreat and get my fall decorations up. Now that I have a few down months I can focus on the house and different things. I'm not going to let my joy be stolen!

Psalm 9:2 (NLT) ~

I will be filled with joy because of you. I will sing praises to your name, O Most High.


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