Chaos Abounds!

At the moment, my house looks like an explosion happened. There is the normal mess and then added to that are bins of Christmas decorations, piles of fabric, piles of finished product waiting to be tagged, piles of baking supplies as Christmas cookies are being cranked out on a daily basis. There are piles of laundry waiting to be put away and piles of books waiting for me to crack them open.

Chaos abounds!

A regional shop messaged me last week and placed a custom order, but then also asked they could carry my items. So yesterday afternoon I took a drive there to deliver the order but then to check out the shop. It's really very cute and my items will fit well so I'll be making a delivery on Friday.

I'm also prepping for a craft fair on Saturday. Our town has a huge Christmas event each year called, Christmas in Mexico. There is a tree lighting ceremony, a parade, and the shops and homes all decorate for Christmas. There are craft fairs in the schools and local businesses and they have carolers going around town too. It's a fun day!

Advent starts on Sunday and I'm prepping for that, as well as planning 3D Kids activities for tomorrow night. It's as busy as Santa's workshop here.

I'm planning for a holiday open house next Saturday and then Emily home that following week for about 5-6 weeks. Like I said above....

Chaos abounds!

There are days when I wish there were more than 24 hours or at least I had more energy then I do. However, I'm going to put on some Christmas music and try to slowly plow through my to-do list and hopefully get 1/2 of what I want to do accomplished.

And finally, on another note, I want to announce the winner of my blog drawing. Congratulations to.....

Theresa in Canada

Theresa, email me your address at and I'll get this package in the mail to you early next week (I need to wait until after Saturday). Thank you to everyone for participating.

Now I'm off to ho, ho, ho-pefully get much accomplished today!


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