Multitude Monday

A woman in our district makes beautiful art out of books. My sweet friends from church bought this one for me as it was our theme for the year.


Change is always difficult for people and I know that I personally do not like it. And yet, change is a necessary part of life. Seasons change. People change. Circumstances change. Organizations change. And that is as it should be. Without change things begin to stagnant and eventually, die out or become obsolete.

So this weekend as I had to introduce change in a variety of ways it wasn't necessarily an easy weekend for me, but it was one in which I saw God move. My desire is always to bring God glory and promote Him and I think that happened this weekend. 

The women who descended upon the hotel were challenged, stretched, and hopefully, some left changed for the better. God was lifted up in the music, through the speakers and in many conversations that took place.

I came home exhausted, but at the same time, invigorated with the desire to keep going where God leads me. I was inspired to grow deep roots and to bloom wherever God plants me. 

It's a good Monday which will be spent moving on to the next task before me but with a heart that is full of a multitude of blessings.


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